Negativity, Scarcity, & Truth
There are negative people in this world who think they know definitively how the world should be. In truth, they only know scarcity, they are limited by the invisible walls that they constructed in their own mind. However, this is all based on their own experience and interpretation of the world.
These people are afraid of the future and are afraid to fail. Perhaps it’s due to ridicule, or due to an institution that harshly punished them for attempting something new. Perhaps they are confused and are genuinely unwilling to experience something new. But this is unfortunate because failure is progress and we experience it whether we like it or not.
When someone is tightly bound to limits, they force the world to follow their rules. They become very stressed out because the world is chaotic and things are constantly moving in directions that are completely out of their control.
At times, they will see others who achieve success and events that push society forward, but instead of trying to model and learn from these events and people they become bitter and jealous. Ironically, this is the very behavior that keeps them in the same place.
Moreover, because of their commitment to negativity and scarcity, they find themselves obstructing others on their pursuit to success and fulfillment. Whether consciously or unconsciously, they can’t help it.
Why? Because negativity and scarcity has become their reality and they don’t want to lose the last thing that they think they know. Negativity means that they cannot truly be happy, and things will never get better, they simply cannot improve certain things so they believe “you just have to accept your situation”. Scarcity means if someone else rises up, they will feel it directly and immediately takes something away from them — their well being, their wealth, and their future opportunities. This is a threat to their own existence!
When they see other people who gain massive success, they will reduce these individuals to negative judgement. They see the world in black-and-white, “you’re either wildly successful or you aren’t”. They believe that success is a series of steps that continues in a strictly upward — there is no such thing as massive failure. But this is rarely ever true. People who are successful and self-made face many trials and tribulations that unsuccessful people cannot ever imagine because unsuccessful people are unwilling to leave their comfort zone.
The people who are successful are the ones who can cope with the chaos and work through them. They are not successful because they have straight A’s or are super talented. They are successful because they refuse to give up believing that they can eventually become successful. They are relentless in finding a way, a path to a life that suits them. If there is no path, they will pave their own path and become trailblazers; even if that means bending the current rules and breaking the current dogma. To them, every waking moment is a gift and an opportunity to drive towards their goals.
Ironically, the self-made, successful individuals that I know are all committed to positivity and abundance. They believe positive mindsets are critical to their success for both setting goals and achieving them. Many of them have morning routines that program their minds’ to believe in themselves and remind themselves to be thankful for what they have. It is through this positive mode that they realize their value and imagine what wonderful things they can bring into the world. Instead of scarcity, successful people think abundance, they believe that there is always enough to go around for everyone. Wealth can always be created and they do so by finding ways to add value to people’s lives as well as their own life. My favorite entrepreneurs believe in win-win relationships.
Perhaps the ultimate irony is this: you are what you believe. This sounds kind of cheesy, but it all boils down to what we do consistently—and—that starts from what we believe.